Suggested Spiritual Healing Books

The following books are highly recommended as excellent resources for further spiritual healing and recovery.

Suggested Spiritual Healing Books

NIV Holy Bible

by God

The mission of the NIV translation board was to present the most accurate version of the Scriptures based on the earliest and most reliable ancient Hebrew and Greek texts.  The NIV has been the most widely read version of the Bible by evangelical churches world wide since 1983.  In fact, it is the standard version used by most evangelical bible colleges.

Amplified Bible

by God

This Bible goes back to the original Hebrew and Greek translations instead of retranslating the translations.  This bible digs deep into the spiritual meaning and practicality of God's word.  The AB starts with an excellent Literal translation and then uses brackets and parentheses to amplify any word that doesn't have a literal English equivalent.


When You're Past is Hurting Your Present:  Getting Beyond Fears that Hold You Back

by Sue Augustine

Whether you are trying to overcome relatively small hurts from yesterday or to hurdle major stumbling blocks from decades past, you've found the right book. This is not just another self-help resource; it is a companion. Sue Augustine seems to jump out of the pages and grab you by the hand like a friend who is eager to share something very exciting. Not only does she help point you in the direction of the truths that will set you free, but Sue also walks along with you as she shares her own personal experiences and struggles with warmth and humor.

The Purpose Driven Life:  What on Earth Am I Here for?

by Rick Warren

The spiritual premise in The Purpose-Driven Life is that there are no accidents---God planned everything and everyone. Therefore, every human has a divine purpose, according to God's master plan.  The book is set up to be a 40-day immersion plan, recognizing that the Bible favors the number 40 as a "spiritually significant time,"

Love & Respect:  The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

by Emerson Eggerichs

The concept is so simple - he needs respect and she needs to know she's loved - but you'll have an A-HA moment and know that it's so very true. The book will feel like it's talking directly to you. Every couple should read this book - happy couples and couples in trouble.


Boundaries:  When to Say Yes, When to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life

by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

In order to call themselves good Christians, many people have drawn overly flexible boundaries (unwilling to say no, always accommodating others' needs) or overly rigid boundaries (to the point of being righteous and judgmental). Psychologists and inspirational speakers Cloud and Townsend show readers how to set reasonable boundaries in order to follow the true path of Christianity.

Changes that Heal:  How to Understand the Past to Ensure A Healthier Future

by Henry Cloud

This book focuses on four developmental tasks -- bonding to others, separating from others, integrating good and bad in our lives, and taking charge of our lives -- that all of us must accomplish to heal our inner pain and to enable us to function and grow emotionally and spiritually.


Boundaries Face to Face:  How to Have that Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding

by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Drs. Cloud and Townsend, whose book "Boundaries" sold more than a million copies and won a Gold Medallion award, have established a Boundaries franchise. This book continues the flourishing series, with advice on conflict resolution and cultivating mutual respect. "Successful people confront well," the authors observe, laying out tools for readers to stop simply avoiding conflict and start having productive, loving confrontations.  The Bible is used as a resource throughout, but not in a heavy-handed way, making this a valuable self-help manual for people from many walks of life.


The Control Freak

by Les Parrott

They're pushy. Forceful. Impatient. Always in a hurry. And they're usually ready to tell others how to do their jobs "better." Control freaks. Maybe you know one. Maybe you are one. What are you to do? Psychologist Les Parrott (a recovering control freak) helps readers relate better to the control freaks around them. And if you are a control freak, Les will help you become willing to lose the control you love. The book includes self-tests and a lifelong prescription for healthier relationships.

Battlefield of the Mind

by Joyce Meyer

Winning the Battle in your Mind. There's a War Going On And Your Mind Is The Battlefield. If you're one of millions who suffer from worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger or condemnation, you are experiencing an attack in your mind. Overcoming negative thoughts that come against your mind brings freedom and peace. Find out how to recognize damaging thought patterns and stop them from influencing your life.


Be Anxious For Nothing

by Joyce Meyer

The Art of Casting Your Cares and Resting in God. Joyce Meyer explains why we should and how we can: -Trade our anxiety and worry for peace and joy. -Develop a childlike attitude of faith. -Rest in the arms of the Lord. -And much more! You will develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your heavenly Father as you understand how He cares for you. By following the leading of the Holy Spirit, your life will be filled with unlimited hope and overflow with His peace, so that you will finally Be Anxious for Nothing!


The Power of Your Words: How God Can Bless Your Life Through the Words You Speak

by Robert Morris

We all know that words carry enormous power-the power to heal or to wound, to encourage or to dishearten, to speak truth or to deceive, to praise or to criticize. They can be the key to our success or the reason for our downfall. So, how do we harness that power? How do we learn to use our words to their greatest potential?.  Robert Morris wants you to know that good words last and carry enormous power to help, heal, encourage and move us to a greater level of living. When you say something positive or encouraging to your spouse, to your kids or to your friends, your words will last forever.



The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word

by Joyce Meyer

Anyone who has experienced trying situations in their lives or has had others come to them for comfort will greatly appreciate this book. It's separated into categories to make finding the "right" Bible verse quickly and easily. It's small enough to fit in a purse or briefcase for easy access.

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